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Polymer Materials Lab.
Department of Chemistry, University of Ulsan
대한화학회 화학세계 연구실 소개 (click)
Research Topics

Polymer-based stretchable electronic skins for mobile healthcare devices
Polymer micro-structuring (photolithography, molding, and direct ink writing)
Polymer surface and interface (emulsion, microwrinkle, and nanocrack)
Polymer physical (wetting, adhesive, electrical, and mechanical) properties
Coatings, Adhesives, Sealants and Elastomers (CASE)
MXene-based energy storage and conversion devices (nanogenerator and supercapacitor)

Biological Skins
Electronic Skins
Soft Robotics
Functional Coatings
Energy Conversion
Energy Storage
Inspired by Nature
Advanced Bio-inspired
Polymer Materials
Smart Systems
[Notice] We are looking for enthusiastic undergraduate students and graduate students interested in advanced bio-inspired polymer materials for smart systems such as soft electronics, soft robotics, and functional surfaces.
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