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Polymer Materials Lab.
Department of Chemistry, University of Ulsan
Jan. 2025
Our recent work was featured as a cover article of Advanced Science.
Research Highlight (Press)
![[경상일보] 울산대 연구팀 공기흐름 감지 전자피부 개발.jpg](,h_162,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/%5B%EA%B2%BD%EC%83%81%EC%9D%BC%EB%B3%B4%5D%20%EC%9A%B8%EC%82%B0%EB%8C%80%20%EC%97%B0%EA%B5%AC%ED%8C%80%20%EA%B3%B5%EA%B8%B0%ED%9D%90%EB%A6%84%20%EA%B0%90%EC%A7%80%20%EC%A0%84%EC%9E%90%ED%94%BC%EB%B6%80%20%EA%B0%9C%EB%B0%9C.jpg)

Nov. 2024
Da Ye Kim won the Best Poster Award in 2024 Fall Symposium of The Society of Adhesion and Interface, Korea.

Aug. 2024
Our recent work was featured as a cover article of Advanced Functional Materials.
Research Highlight (Press)
POSTECH·울산대·광운대, 불소 탄성체 기반 고효율 마찰 전기 나노 발전기 개발
빗방울·손씻기로 전기 만든다…'도미노 원리' 활용한 나노 발전기

Jul. 2024
Our work, published in Small, has received enough downloads to rank within the top 10% of papers published in an issue of Small between 1st January 2022-31st December 2022, up to 12 months after publication:
Surface Wrinkling for Flexible and Stretchable Sensors

Apr. 2024
Our recent work was featured online on Advanced in Engineering.
Biodegradable All-Leaf E-Skin for Enhanced Gesture Recognition and Human Motion Monitoring

Dec. 2023
Our recent work was featured in an Editor's note on
A new microfabrication strategy for multifunctional 3D artifical sharkskin (Movie)

Nov. 2023
Hyuntae Ju won the Best Poster Award in 2023 Fall Symposium of The Society of Adhesion and Interface, Korea.
Na Gyeong Lee, Da Ye Kim, and Yu Jin Kim won the Bronze Prize in the Intensive Major Research Paper Presentation Contest of the Department of Chemistry at UOU.

Mar. 2023
Prof. Seung Goo Lee won the Best Paper Award in 2023 Spring Symposium of The Society of Adhesion and Interface, Korea.

Tae Woo Koo won the Best Poster Award in 2023 Spring Symposium of The Society of Adhesion and Interface, Korea.

Our recent work was featured as a cover article of Small.
Research Highlight (Press)
악어 피부 닮은 압력센서 개발…신축성 높아 로봇 등에 활용
![32590_[매일신문] “악어 피부 특성 이용 신축성 높은 압력센서 개발.jpg](,h_217,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/32590_%5B%EB%A7%A4%EC%9D%BC%EC%8B%A0%EB%AC%B8%5D%20_%EC%95%85%EC%96%B4%20%ED%94%BC%EB%B6%80%20%ED%8A%B9%EC%84%B1%20%EC%9D%B4%EC%9A%A9%20%EC%8B%A0%EC%B6%95%EC%84%B1%20%EB%86%92%EC%9D%80%20%EC%95%95%EB%A0%A5%EC%84%BC%EC%84%9C%20%EA%B0%9C%EB%B0%9C.jpg)

Dec. 2022
Our recent work was introduced as a high-impact journal paper by BRIC.
Multi-Modal Locomotion of Caenorhabditis elegans - BRIC (한빛사)

Our recent work was featured in an Advanced Science News article.
Mechanical sensors inspired by crocodile skin - Advanced Science News

Nov. 2022
Our recent work was featured in an Advanced Science News article.
Biobots made from roundworms - Advanced Science News

Seungjoo Baek and Jun Kim won the Best Poster Award in 2022 Fall Symposium of The Society of Adhesion and Interface, Korea.

Joon Kim and Hyuntae Ju won the Silver Prize in the Research Presentation Competition of Natural Science College at University of Ulsan.
Joon Kim and Hyuntae Ju won the First Prize in Intensive Major Research Paper Presentation Contest of the Department of Chemistry at UOU.

![32138_[울산신문] 울산대, 유연 신축성 센서 위한 주름 구조 연구 집대성.jpg](,h_128,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/32138_%5B%EC%9A%B8%EC%82%B0%EC%8B%A0%EB%AC%B8%5D%20%EC%9A%B8%EC%82%B0%EB%8C%80%2C%20%EC%9C%A0%EC%97%B0%20%EC%8B%A0%EC%B6%95%EC%84%B1%20%EC%84%BC%EC%84%9C%20%EC%9C%84%ED%95%9C%20%EC%A3%BC%EB%A6%84%20%EA%B5%AC%EC%A1%B0%20%EC%97%B0%EA%B5%AC%20%EC%A7%91%EB%8C%80%EC%84%B1.jpg)
Our recent work was featured as a cover article of Small.
Research Highlight (Press)
울산대 이승구 교수팀, 유연 신축성 센서 위한 주름 구조 연구 집대성
울산대, 유연 신축성 센서 위한 주름 구조 연구 집대성
울산대 연구팀, 유연 신축성 센서 연구 국제학술지 '스몰(Small)' 에 게재

Apr. 2022
Tae Woo Koo won the Best Poster Award in 2022 Spring Symposium of The Society of Adhesion and Interface, Korea.

Nov. 2021
Mohammad Zarei, Hyeon Ju Ko, and Chae Ryean Kim won the Best Poster Awards at the International Conference on Society of Adhesion and Interface held in Korea, respectively.

Oct. 2021
Chae Ryean Kim won the Best Poster Award in 2021 Fall Symposium of The Polymer Society of Korea.

Apr. 2021
Hyeon Ju Ko won the Best Poster Award in 2021 Spring Symposium of The Society of Adhesion and Interface, Korea.

Feb. 2021
Our recent work was featured as a cover article of Advanced Science.
Research Highlight (Press)
사람 손가락처럼 물체 종류·재질 정확 구별…‘인공전자 피부’ 나온다

Nov. 2020
Woo Jin Si, Seungjoo Baek, and Yuna Hong won the Bronze Prize in the Research Presentation Competition of Natural Science College at the Univeristy of Ulsan.
Woo Jin Si, Seungjoo Baek, and Yuna Hong won the First Prize in Intensive Major Research Paper Presentation Contest of Department of Chemistry at UOU.
Hyeon Ju Ko won the Best Poster Award in 2020 Autumn Symposium of Korean Chemical Society.

Sep. 2020
Our recent work was featured as a cover article of Advanced Science.
Research Highlight (Press)
포스텍-울산대학교, 움직임 따라 온도 ·색 변하는 스마트 온열 패치 개발
구부리면 따뜻해지는 패치 개발…관절질환 치료 활용 기대

Nov. 2018
Su Hyun Kim won the Bronze Prize in the Research Presentation Competition of Natural Science College at the Univeristy of Ulsan.
Su Hyun Kim won the First Prize in the Intensive Major Research Presentation Competition of “University for Creative Korea” (CK-1) University Specialization Project.

Aug. 2018
Hyeon Ju Ko won the Best Presentation Award in 2018 Joint Seminar between the University of Ulsan and Fukuoka University.

Mar. 2018
The opening of Polymer Materials Lab at UOU
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